Thursday, December 11, 2014

Electronic Vote to Approve Ballot

BALLOT IS APPROVED BY 91 members present:
YES- 90
NO- 1
Congrats to:
President- Eric Noll (incumbent)
Vice President- Cody Nelson
Secretary- Alicia Brunson (incumbent)
To all Members of CCR,
Thank you to everyone who came or sent in their proxy for the annual meeting held on 10/23/2014.   Unfortunately we did not have a quorum and could not conduct business.  There are three positions on the board of directors that are open for the 2015-2016 term. (President, Vice President, Secretary).  Since we did not have a quorum at the meeting we could not elect officers so we are now calling a special meeting via electronic communication. 
The following is the ballot:
President- Eric Noll (incumbent)
Vice President- Cody Nelson
Secretary- Alicia Brunson (incumbent)
What we need YOU to do:
Respond to this e-mail stating that you are present, how many lots you own.  To vote to approve the proposed ballot vote yes.  If you do not approve the ballot vote no. 
Once we have a quorum with 82 members electronically present  we can tally the votes for results.  Assuming that this ballot is accepted these three officers will begin their term January 1, 2015 and it will run thru December 31, 2016.
Again, we appreciate your participation and involvement in our community.   We look forward to another great year in Canyon Creek Ranch.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Annual Meeting Re-cap

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


September 19, 2014






The Canyon Creek Ranch Homeowner’s Association will hold its Annual Meeting  on Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.  The location of the meeting will be the Brock Community Center, 2115 FM 1189, Brock, Texas 76087 (located directly south of Brock Baptist Church).  The purpose of the meeting will be to elect three Members of Board of Directors for calendar years 2015-2016, and to conduct a business meeting of the Canyon Creek Homeowner’s Association.


The three Board of Directors positions open for 2015-2016 are:







The Vote required will be a “Yes” or “No” vote by each member present or by proxy.  A "Yes" vote is a vote to approve each individual nominee.  A "No" vote is a vote against each individual nominee.  At least 51% of the Members of the Association must be present to vote in person or through their proxy, which must be in writing and delivered to the Secretary prior to the Meeting.  A Proxy Form is attached to this Meeting Notice for this purpose.



The Bylaws adopted by the Board and ratified by the Members call for an annual election of certain Board of Director positions, who serve two year terms are staggered.  Three of the Director positions expire on even numbered years, while two positions expire on even numbered years.  The Director positions whose terms expire in 2015 (an odd-numbered year) are: President, Vice-President Seat 1, and Secretary.


At the expiration of a term, the incumbent shall be eligible for re- nomination and re-election by the Membership to the same position or a different position, The president shall not hold office for more than two (2) consecutive terms.  All other positions may run for re-election to the board without limit of terms served.


The election of Board of Directors are to be held in conjunction with the Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting, which is to be held in October on a date, time and place designated by the Board.


A copy of the Bylaws can be requested by e-mailing


AGENDA ITEMS:  Unified Trash Service, Re-Sale Certificates and Association Transfer Fees, HAYRIDE October 31 @ 5pm
Unified Trash Service:  Many of you have expressed interest in having a unified trash service.  At the HOA  meeting we are going to present to the members of the HOA one trash service for all homes in the neighborhood.  If we vote to do this, this would mean we would have less traffic on the roads and we can get a better negotiated group rate.  We will have options from two different companies. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Important Updates

We hope you all are enjoying the newly repaved Canyon Creek Circle, the road crew will be here this week or next to do some additional work on the bridge by the pool.   Thank you to all for your prompt payment of the 2014 special assessment that made this possible, we are looking forward to having all of our roads re-paved in the next 3 years.

A couple items of business that we would like to remind everyone of, please mow your bar ditches and/or vacant lots.  We have had a significant amount of rain and the grass has grown.  Secondly, we would like to remind everyone of the deed restriction regarding Recreational Vehicles/ Trailers, Boats.  (3.17)  This states that they can not be left parked in the street or in front of any tract or on the driveway or any portion of the tract where it is visible from the street.  If you are out of compliance please resolve this issue.   Thank you in advance!

Annual Meeting:  October 23 at 7pm at the Brock Community Center.  There are 3 positions up for election: President, Vice President and Secretary.  WE NEED NOMINATIONS!  Please e-mail any nominations that you may have.  Meeting Notices will be delivered 30 days before the meeting with an agenda and nominations. 
Annual Hayride: October 31 beginning at 5:30 pm at the Pearson's Home; 607 Winding Creek  PHASE 3 will be responsible for candy this year. We will need trailers, hay & volunteers.

We are looking forward to a great fall in Canyon Creek Ranch, if you have any questions or would like to volunteer please let us know!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Special Assessment Due

The 2014 Special Assessment of $500 per property owner was due on July 1, 2014.  If you have not already paid your assessment please send your check to CCR HOA P.O. Box 432 Weatherford, TX 76086.   The repaving of Canyon Creek Circle will begin soon!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Special Assessment

First of all we would like to thank you all who attended the April 10th meeting in person or by proxy.  It was the best attendance that we have ever had at any meeting!   In order to have a quorum we must have 51% of the members present, there were 58% present. The voice of the community was heard loud and clear.  The vote was for a special road assessment of $500 per property owner, per year for 4 years.  In order for the special assessment to pass the meeting had to have at least 51% of the members present (quorum) and 75% of the members present had to vote in favor of the assessment.
The voting results are as follows:
58 voted yes
8 voted no
The special assessment passes by 87.87%

What's next?  The board will meet with Barclay Waddell to draw up the contract and schedule road construction.  Invoices will be sent to all members and will be due July 1, 2014.  
The special assessment will be as follows:
$500 due July 1, 2014
$500 due July 1, 2015
$500 due July 1, 2016
$500 due July 1, 2017
We are excited that the members have decided to invest in our roads & community and are confident that the return on your investment will be great.
As always please let us know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Important Reminders

Parker County Clean up is this Saturday for more information click here
DUES ARE DUE FRIDAY April 4.  Please mail them to P.O. Box 432 Weatherford, TX 76086
We want to thank you for all of the questions that you have sent.  The board is always happy to answer any questions you have on the special assessment, please ask them prior to the meeting.   We ask that you all would talk to your neighbors and make sure that they are attending the meeting or filling out a proxy.  We must have a quorum in order to conduct business.   The proxy form is attached for your convenience.  Please make sure that it is completely filled out with your information and signature as well as who you are giving your proxy to.  You may also check your vote on the proxy statement.    
The vote is simple:
____ Vote Yes to special assessment of $500 per year for 4 years
____ Vote No to special assessment

Please note that this assessment is only for $500 for 4 years, we can accomplish the repaving of ALL of the roads with this.
Special Assessment Meeting is April 10 at the Brock Community Center at 7pm. We are looking forward to seeing you there in person or by proxy.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Thank you to all who attended the Q&A.   We have compiled a list below of FAQs for those of you who were unable to attend.  
Please let us know if you have any additional questions that have not been answered.  You can do this by either e-mailing your question to or if you prefer to speak with someone directly about it send an e-mail with your contact info and a general idea of what the question pertains to (ie. road construction, logistics, etc) and we will have the appropriate person get in touch with you.  The meeting to vote will be April 10 at 7pm at the Brock Community Center. 
The sole purpose of the meeting will be to vote on the special assessment.  Please, please, please make sure that your questions are answered prior to the meeting.  If you are unable to attend the meeting you can still vote by proxy, please fill out the proxy form, mark your vote, sign and send your proxy to the HOA via e-mail, mail, or give to any board member prior to the meeting.
The board has put three years of hard work & research into this proposal.  We feel that it is the assessment is the ONLY way that we will ever be able to get the roads in a satisfactory state.  It is also the best use of the HOA funds as we will eliminate putting the temporary band-aid on the roads and instead give the roads the base that they need and move forward with a continued maintenance plan to insure the we get the most out of the life of the roads. 
Will our current HOA dues be used towards the roads?
Yes, currently we are spending $35-40k of our annual budget on road construction every year.  In order to keep the cost of the road assessment per owner down the HOA will contribute $35k of the annual dues collected each year of the assessment to the roads.  Please see power point presentation for the breakdown of the cost.
Is the assessment per property owner, acre or lots owned?
The road assessment would be $500 per year for 4 years and is evenly distributed among all of the property owners regardless of how many lots or how many acres you own.  We can accomplish the repaving of the roads with a flat fee of $500 per year contribution from each property owner.
If the assessment passes when would the $500 be due? 
The assessment would be due July 1 of each year, beginning in 2014.
When would the road work be done?
The road work would be done in the summer each year when school is out to avoid bus traffic and for optimal weather conditions.  Work would begin in 2014 with the repaving of the entire Canyon Creek Circle. There will also be some work done to the front entrance to correct the ruts that are currently there.  A concrete header will be installed that will make the transition into the neighborhood a smooth one. 
How is the assessment passed?
First and foremost, we must give a 30 day notice of a meeting to all members, at the meeting we must have 51% of all members present which constitutes a quorum.  Then, according to our covenants section 4.05  "Special Assessments shall require the approval of 75% of the votes of the members who are present, in person or by proxy, at a duly held meeting of the members."
What about the building that is going on in here how will that effect maintaining the newly constructed roads? 
Beginning in 2013 the board began collecting a $1000 road deposit from all new construction projects.  This has given the homeowners and builders incentive to load and unload heavy equipment on their lot instead of the road.   If there is damage done to the road, the repair cost will be deducted from the road deposit.
How will the actual construction of the road take place?
The low spots and pot holes in the roads will be cleared out and filled in with asphalt.  The roads will then be overlayed with 1 1/2 inch Hot Mix Asphalt 
How will they be maintained once completed? 
Once they are completed we will have to seal each road every 2-3 years after they are installed.  For example Canyon Creek Lane was repaved in 2013 so it will require a seal coat to extend the life sometime in 2015-2016.  This will help extend the life of the road. 
*without the special assessment not only will it take 12+ years to accomplish the repaving of the roads we also will not have the funds to properly maintain the roads as they should be in order to extend the life.
Will our annual HOA dues go down once we are finished with the roads?
This will depend on the cost per year to maintain the roads as well as the annual operating budget.  We also have to take into consideration that we will need to set money aside each year anticipating that the roads will need to be repaved.  It is our goal to manage and maintain the roads efficiently and effectively with the lowest cost to the homeowners.  Please remember we are your neighbors too :) 
If I would like to get a bid on paving my driveway during road construction who do I contact?
Barclay Waddell 817-205-7108
Thank you in advance for your consideration and attendance in person or by proxy to the meeting on April 10.   Again, please e-mail any questions to
If you would like a copy of the power point presentation, covenants or proxy please e-mail

Monday, March 10, 2014

Special Assessment Meeting Notice

WHAT:  Special Assessment Proposal 2014
WHEN& WHERE: 7pm at Brock Community Center 2115 FM 1189
March 20, 2014 Question & Answers with Board & Waddell Excavating
            April 10, 2014 Special Assessment Vote  
WHO: Members of the HOA: 1 Vote Per Property Owner, 1 Assessment Per Property Owner
THE PROBLEM:  When the HOA took over in 2011 the roads had not been regularly maintained.  As a result of this they were in poor repair and quickly deteriorating.   Since 2011 the HOA has spent over $118,000 on road repair.  Of this money spent more than $45,000 has been on patching pot holes.  These are temporary band-aids on the problem.  The past three years the board has spent working to find a plan of action to remediate this problem of playing catch up.  How can we effectively and efficiently solve this problem?   We can continue to throw away $15,000 paving pot holes each year and resurface the streets piece by piece, however this will take over TWELVE years to complete the roads.  This is also not including the maintenance and upkeep of the roads that have been repaved.  
THE SOLUTION:  We have teamed up with Waddell Excavating who repaved Canyon Creek Lane in 2013.  This plan includes the resurfacing of all the remaining 6 miles of road within the subdivision with 1 ½ Hot Mix Asphalt as well as the maintenance of the completed roads.  The repaving of ALL of our streets can be accomplished by a special assessment of only               
 $500 per year per property owner for 4 years, that is just $42 a month or $1.40 per day!
·         Smooth driving surface
·         Less money wasted patching pot holes
·         Increase in property values:  We’ve seen a huge increase in lot sales & new construction since the HOA took over.  Existing home sales have also increased significantly in the past 3 years (Average sales price is up over $15,000 and price per square foot is up $10).
·         Once all of the roads are completed we will continue to seal and maintain them as needed for around $15,000-$20,000 per year.   Thus freeing up a significant amount of our annual budget for other items & improvements in the neighborhood.  
2014-  Year 1:  Canyon Creek Circle
2015-  Year 2:  Canyon Creek Ct. (Cul de saq), Canyon Creek Dr. Ph II E. Canyon Creek, Ph II W. Canyon Creek
2016-  Year 3:  Ph III E. Canyon Creek, Ph III W. Canyon Creek, Winding Creek
2017-  Year 4: North Savage, South Savage
2018-  Year 5: (No assessment this year) Canyon Creek Ct. (Entrance), N Duncan Creek Ct. S Duncan Creek Ct.

Monday, February 24, 2014

2014 DUES

Just a reminder that 2014 dues are due April 4.  Please remit payment at your earliest convenience.  If you have any questions, or did not receive an invoice please e-mail

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Janurary Board Meeting

September board meeting will be Tuesday, January 14 at 7 pm.  Please email for location.