Saturday, February 28, 2015

DUES Reminders/Updates

Friends & Neighbors in Canyon Creek Ranch,
We hope you all are enjoying this winter weather and staying safe & warm.  We wanted to remind you of a few things as we enter into the month of March:
*Dues: the due date for dues is quickly approaching, if you not sent in payment please do so. 
*Questions about your bill?  E-mail
*Payment address: P.O. Box 432 Weatherford, TX 76086
*For clarification purposes the billing cycle is annual (January 1-December 31 each year)  If you have closed on a property before the dues were due they would be collected and prorated for the buyer/seller based on this cycle.
*Dogs:  We have received several complaints about roaming dogs.  We want to remind all residents about the statewide leash law in Texas (your pet MUST be on a leash if it is not on your property)  Should you have an issue with an animal please contact animal control:
*Roads: We are in year 2 of the 4 year road repaving process.  Road Assessments will be due on July 1, 2015.  This year Canyon Creek Court, Canyon Creek Drive, & parts of E & W Canyon Creek Lanes will be repaved.  As you all know these roads are in terrible shape, we are working to schedule Waddell Excavating to come out and patch potholes ASAP and schedule road repaving for early June.   Your cooperation in getting dues/ road assessments in as soon as possible will aid in accomplishing this goal.
*Compliance: Just a reminder to all about adhering to the deed restrictions.  There is a compliance committee that will be sending out letters to those in violation in the upcoming months.  As it warms up we also ask that each homeowner keeps their bar ditches mowed.
Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions that you may have.  
Thank you for your participation in CCR!