Friday, October 30, 2015

Trash Service

To reduce the wear and tear on our neighborhood roads, the HOA respectfully asks that we all use the same trash company. Our current trash company is Waste Connections. They charge $18/month plus tax for one cart. Along with a weekly (Monday) pickup, they are also offering our neighborhood:
* Bulk pickup! All they require is a 1-2 day heads up phone call to let them know. 4 item limit. One pickup per week, but can call and request multiple weeks in a row
* For our HOA, they will offer discounted rates on roll off dumpsters. They have also offered discounted rates on a neighborhood clean up- similar to the County Clean Up, but just for CCR residents. 
* They have cameras in/on all of their trucks, so if any issues arise they can go back and look and communicate with you/us

To set up service with Waste Connections, please call 800-350-3024 and specify you live in the Canyon Creek Ranch neighborhood.

Annual Meeting Re-Cap

Thank you to all who attended the meeting on Tuesday in person or by proxy.  Some key highlights of the meeting:

Road Update:  $111k spent so far this year on the re-paving, patching, repairing of the roads.   We are right on target with our original plan.  

New officer's on the board:
Both open positions were for Vice President. Congrats to Dave Wright & Lindsey Kirk our new VPs.  Thank you to Steve Metzler for his faithful service on the board!

Currently we have THREE different trash companies that are servicing the neighborhood.  This heavy traffic is taking a toll on the roads- THREE times the toll.  In order to prolong the life of the roads and minimize damage the HOA has sought out all three companies to see what they could offer the neighborhood.   We were very pleased to find out that Ben Parker was willing to offer an amazing deal: 
$18 per month, flat rate, tax included, no other charges (with 1 trash cart) Additional carts are $10 more per month per cart. This rate will be for CANYON CREEK RANCH ONLY! This rate will be locked in for a period of 5 years starting January 1st 2016 to January 1st 2021. Collection in Canyon Creek Ranch is every Tuesday 7am to 7pm.  Switching to Ben Parker's Trash Service would not only save homeowner's money on your monthly trash bill, but also save unnecessary wear and tear on the roads.   Ben's contact info is 254-897-3936.   Please let us know if you have any questions.

Halloween Party: this Saturday night, if you haven't signed up yet please do so and don't forget
PHASES 1 & 2  are responsible for candy this year.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Annual Meeting Reminder / Halloween Hayride

Friends & Neighbors of CCR:  
Don't forget our annual meeting is next TUESDAY October 27 at 7pm at the Brock Community Center, if you are unable to attend please, please, PLEASE fill out a proxy (attached).  We need to have at least 51% of the members present.   There are two board positions open, if you are interested or would like to nominate anyone please respond to this e-mail.  If you are planning on attending the Halloween Party please sign up using this link:  Halloween Party 

 6:00 Arrive and drop of food, drinks, etc.
*A BIG thank you to the Pearson's for hosting the event this year!
6:10 Don Thompson will lead us in prayer before our meal. *Thank you, Don!
6:10-7:15 Hot Dog Dinner
7:15 Hayride Trick-or-Treat
*Phase 1&2 are responsible for candy this year (as of today, 10/20, we have about 35 kids confirmed)
*1st trailer will leave at 7:15, 2nd trailer at 7:20, & the 3rd at 7:25. 
*For the safety of our children, everyone will stay on the trailer, rather than getting on & off.  If you're handing out candy, please distribute candy to kids on the trailer.  We'll look for you at the end of your driveway.  😀SAFETY IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY.
* Kids on each trailer will wear a glow in the dark necklace or bracelet that will correspond with the trailer they are riding.  Kids need to stay on the trailer in which they begin the hayride.  No "trailer hopping", please.
Route for hayride:
Canyon Creek Lane
Canyon Creek Drive
Right on Canyon Creek Circle
Finish on Canyon Creek Court(this includes houses at entrance)
 *A BIG thank you to Don Thompson, Tom & Karen Takes, JD & Tiffani Thompson for volunteering to prepare and use their trailers for our hayride!
*Thank you to those of you who shared your ideas in order to make our Halloween party a great one.  You are much appreciated! 
If you have yet to sign up to come & bring something, please do so, and RSVP at this link:

Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Hayride

What:  Annual Halloween Party & Hayride 

When:  October 31st, 6pm

Where:  Pearson's Home @ 607 Winding Creek Drive

Info:  Phase 1 & 2 will be responsible for candy this year Hayride to begin at 7pm

HOA will provide hot dogs & homeowner's to sign up for sides

To volunteer or receive more information please e-mail