Thursday, December 11, 2014

Electronic Vote to Approve Ballot

BALLOT IS APPROVED BY 91 members present:
YES- 90
NO- 1
Congrats to:
President- Eric Noll (incumbent)
Vice President- Cody Nelson
Secretary- Alicia Brunson (incumbent)
To all Members of CCR,
Thank you to everyone who came or sent in their proxy for the annual meeting held on 10/23/2014.   Unfortunately we did not have a quorum and could not conduct business.  There are three positions on the board of directors that are open for the 2015-2016 term. (President, Vice President, Secretary).  Since we did not have a quorum at the meeting we could not elect officers so we are now calling a special meeting via electronic communication. 
The following is the ballot:
President- Eric Noll (incumbent)
Vice President- Cody Nelson
Secretary- Alicia Brunson (incumbent)
What we need YOU to do:
Respond to this e-mail stating that you are present, how many lots you own.  To vote to approve the proposed ballot vote yes.  If you do not approve the ballot vote no. 
Once we have a quorum with 82 members electronically present  we can tally the votes for results.  Assuming that this ballot is accepted these three officers will begin their term January 1, 2015 and it will run thru December 31, 2016.
Again, we appreciate your participation and involvement in our community.   We look forward to another great year in Canyon Creek Ranch.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.