Wednesday, October 30, 2019

2019 Annual Meeting Summary

Thank you to everyone who attended or turned in proxies for last week's annual meeting. To conduct business we needed to have 82 lots represented and we had 87! 

1. Treasurer's Report:
Budget: $127,150.48
Actual YTD: $72,005.47 
The repair of the roads accounts for $102,000 of our budget. We paid North American Paving half when roads were completed, and early this week we paid them the remaining balance once the pool lot was cleaned up of all machinery and road base that was removed during repairs. 
Total in bank after accounts receivables: $19,298.10
Detailed break down of other items available upon request. 

2. Road Update:
Eric Noll presented those in attendance with the steps taken to choose a contractor for road repairs. Many bids were received before choosing North American Paving, a local Weatherford company. Road repairs are completed at this time. 

3. Board Nominations:
Treasurer - Charles Harris - unanimous
VP Seat 2 - Eric Noll and Brett Lehman nominated. Brett Lehman voted to the position. 
Term 2020-2021

4. City of Brock elections
Both mayoral candidates were unable to attend our meeting, so we did not have an open forum. Mayoral nominee Jay Hamilton and Commissioner nominees Ben Davis and Debbie Scrimshire were all in attendance and were available for questions after the meeting. CCR makes up a majority of the actual city limits for the City of Brock- early voting continues until November 2nd- we encourage everyone to get out and vote!

5. Halloween Party and Hay Ride
It was a fun night seeing so many neighbors! Thank you to everyone who brought goodies to share, volunteered use of their trailers, and to Brandon Pearson for hosting!