Tuesday, January 17, 2023

2022 CCR HOA Annual Meeting Minutes 

Special Meeting to vote in a Treasurer to fulfill the remaining term. Term will end

December 31, 2023. An outside bookkeeper has been hired to oversee all of the HOA’s

books. Will send financial reports monthly for the BOD meetings. Treasurer will work

with the bookkeeper.

Cody Nelson nominated Julie SImmons.

Dorothea Schockey nominated Bill Farmer.

Vote was taken and Julie Simmons had the majority. Julie will hold the position until the

term expires- December 31, 2023.

That vote closed the Special Meeting. Cody Nelson made the motion, Doug Kolb 2nd.

At 7:25 the Annual Meeting of the CCR HOA meeting was called into motion.

Treasurer’s Report

We spent just under $18,000 in pothole repairs to the roads. Annually we budget

$45,000 for road repairs. The plan is to carry money over to next year to do more

significant repairs.

Maintaining the pool is roughly $5,200. We have spent 80% of that and estimate $750

more will be spent on the pool through the end of the year.

Mowing and miscellaneous Maintenance is budgeted at $8,750 for the year. To date we

have spent 53% of that.

We are way over on utility expenses. $8,000 is budgeted and to date we have gone 9%

over budget. It is estimated we will be 30-40% over budget by the end of the year on


Utilities breakdown- streetlights and pool are main costs. Streetlights account for about

half of our monthly bill (roughly $400/mo). Pool cost is up as well- it’s around $50 more

a month to power.

For 2022 we have spent a total of $41,557.78, which is 55% of what we plan.

As of October 19, total in bank: $50,643.83. We hold $5,000 in road deposits. Have

$12,616.37 in outstanding dues. 20 lots are past due. Total dollars after accounts

receivables: $58,260.20

$28,500 from the 2022 budget will be carried over to next year.

Total carry over from 2022 and previous years is estimated to be $53,435.20. Carryover

dollars will be put toward roads and the pool will need some maintenance- coping, tiles.

The question was asked about the lightbulbs used in the streetlights- Tri-County

maintains the streetlights and an agreement was made with the developer years ago.

We will call and see if we have any options to switching lightbulbs to LED bulbs.

Question was asked via email during the year about Overall Maintenance Spending.

Cody did the research and since 2015 our overall money spent is $847,410.38

Breakdown of that money spent:

Mowing- $42,000

Pool- $43,224

Roads- $761,304.45

75% of all money spent by the HOA goes to our roads.


The bylaws allow the Board of Directors to raise dues by 10% without needing a vote.

Due to the increase in costs we will have to implement that raise in dues for 2023.

Question was asked about unpaid dues and how the HOA handles those- a lien is the

only avenue we realistically have. We could foreclose on their property but it usually is

more costly in fees than what we are owed. Sending a certified letter with a threat to lien

is what is usually done.


3 positions up for election. The terms for these positions will be January 1, 2023 through

December 31, 2024.


Nominations: Ryan Stephens (in absentia) and Dorothea Schockey. Vote was taken and

Dorothea Schockey had the majority vote.

Vice President Seat 1

Nominations: Clayton Porter and JD Thompson. Vote was taken and JD Thompson had

the majority vote.


Cody Nelson was the only nominee. Vote was taken and vote was unanimously a yes.


After last year’s Annual Meeting, two committees were formed in regards to closing the

gate at the entrance and clarifying Restriction 3.18 as it is written. Those committees

met throughout the year but there is still work to be done. Presentations will be sent to

the community once it is determined what the majority of the neighborhood wants.

Miscellaneous/Other Discussions

Comments about the sign at the front of the neighborhood- would like it to be more

visible. Discussed adding solar lights and trimming the tree.

Fencing the developer put in that separates properties- showing some age and will

need to be painted. Something that will be looked at further to determine a plan of


Community group to mow around the bridge and thin out the trees

Halloween- plans are in motion! Separate email will be sent with details.