Monday, October 17, 2016

Incorporation, Annual Mtg, Halloween

Most importantly vote FOR INCORPORATION on Nov. 8!  We need your help getting the word out to everyone eligible to vote in CCR.  
A couple ways to do this:
1. Buy a FOR INCORPORATION yard sign they are $15
2. Talk to your neighbors, make sure they know how important it is that they vote FOR INCORPORATION.  If you would like to help distribute flyers please text Rhonda 817-597-9235 your name and address so we can assign teams to canvas.  If we can have at least 2 volunteers per street that would be great.
3.  Buy a t-shirt to support FOR INCORPORATION.  They will be for sale at the 10/21 Varsity game for $20

Next Tuesday October 25 at the Brock Community Center at 7pm.  If are unable to attend PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE turn in your proxy to a board member, via email, or mail to PO box.  If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the board please let us know.

We are changing up the Halloween party this year and doing a traditional trick-or-treat. It will be on Friday, October 28th starting at 6:30.  Trick or Treating will be at all of the houses on E Canyon Creek Lane, Duncan Creek Ct. & Winding Creek.  Please do not drive past the pool unless you are on a golf cart or you live in that vicinity. We are trying to limit the number of motorized vehicles in the area to keep the kids safe. We will eat dinner at 607 Winding Creek Drive following trick or treating around 7:30.   Please use this link to sign up to bring something to share for dinner. 
At 8:30, we will take the big kids on a "spooky walk" down one of the cul-de-sacs.  Thank you so much for making Halloween a fun time for the neighborhood kids.